Christ the King Council of the Knights of Columbus received its charter on June 3, 1982.
Over the past twenty-four years, it has grown in membership from the original forty-eight charter members. As membership has increased, it has also become more active in its support of the Parish, of Christ the King School and of the community, hosting the Annual Fall Supper and the ever popular Parish Breakfasts, as well as the hot-dog Wind-up for the Catechism Program; ushering at liturgies at Christmas, Easter and other special celebrations; serving as Eucharistic Ministers, Ministers of Hospitality, Lectors during Mass; driving seniors and shut-ins to Mass. Another activity was to volunteer time to re-furbish the canteen in the gymnasium, which was in dire need of up-grading to bring it up to standards.
As a charitable organization the Council provides financial support to the school by an annual contribution to the Christ the King School Bursary Fund and other identified needs. It supports the Parish and the organizations within it by contributing to the Good Samaritan Fund, as well as to Development & Peace. Some of the organizations in the larger community to which the Council contributes include the Pregnancy Distress Service, St. Amant Centre and, at the international level, a family in India through the Save-a-Family Plan.
Although the Christ the King Knights of Columbus Council has grown in numbers, if it is to continue to be a vibrant and vital organization in the Parish, it needs an ongoing infusion of new young men with new energy and fresh ideas.
Click Here to view the Christ the King Council #8124 30th Anniversary windup pictures
Letter from the Grand Knight:
To All Men of Christ the King Parish
For your family – For your faith – For your community
The Knights of Columbus was founded by the Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney and a group of men of St. Mary’s Parish in New Haven, Connecticut on March 29, 1882. The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic, family, fraternal, service organization dedicated to the principles of: charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism.
The Knights of Columbus can be found on the international and provincial levels. On the international level, there are over 1.8 million members in 14,000 councils covering different areas of the world. In terms of service, last year the Order gave over 151 million dollars and over 69 million hours of volunteer service to charitable causes.
Within the Province of Manitoba, the Knights of Columbus have been very effective. Currently, there are 7850 members located in 100 councils. Knights are involved in various ministries of the parish. In addition, Knights contribute in various ways to their communities.
Christ the King Council received its charter in 1982 and over more than thirty years has made significant contributions to the Parish, the School and to the community in providing funds and other services.
The Knights of Columbus need you to become a member. As a Knight you can be a service to the Church and the community. Participation in the Knights of Columbus will enable you to better live out your Catholic faith and even become a better husband and father. Our campaign this year is “Evangelization”. What better time to increase your service to your church and community! As the Grand Knight of Christ the King Council, I invite you to join us and become a Knight of Columbus. When you are approached by a member of the Council asking you to join the Knights please give it serious consideration and say yes.
Thank you,
Brother Indrajith Gunasekera, Grand Knight
For more information call me at 204-256-0829 or Bernie Bourret at 204-256 3638 or Scott Davison at 204-257-1770.